1300 Memorial Drive
Oakland, MD 21550
(301) 334-1501


When you visit the church of Christ in Oakland, Maryland, you will be received with courtesy and friendship. Those who come to worship and learn are our honored guests. We want your visit to be comfortable and pleasant, as well as profitable.

You will find a friendly group of people, bound together in Christian love, who are seeking to live and worship by the principles of Jesus Christ. We are the first to confess that we are not perfect, but we are trying to do right. We want to exhibit a sincere spirit of Christian charity and kindness toward everyone.  

You will find among our members those who hold no creed but Christ and who follow no book but the Bible. Perhaps you may find what you have been seeking.


Scripture Of The Day

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.
(Phil 4:8)

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